
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How to install or upgrade Java in Linux

These are my notes on how to install or update Java on a Linux server. In this how to, I will be using the Java from Oracle and not the operating systems or distros repository. You can download and install either a rpm or a tar file, from Oracle's site.

When using the Java provided on Oracle's website, they give you a choice of downloading rpm or tar file.

You can download Java here.

Installing Java with using RPM

Find the current version of Java on the system.
root@earth> find / -name java -type f

Note If you use which or java -version commands to find Java on you system. This will only show your the system's main java. You may have additional versions installed.

Now take each line of output and paste it at the end of this command. This gives you the name of the rpm package that installed this file and version of Java.
root@earth> rpm -qf    /usr/java/jre1.7.0_55/bin/java

Uninstall the old package.
root@earth> rpm -e  jre-1.7.0_55-fcs

Note- Do not run the above command for java that is part of an application. If the file was in /usr/bin/ you should be fine.

Install Java
root@earth> rpm  -ivh    jre-7u65-linux-x64.rpm

You can alternately upgrade Java instead.
root@earth> rmp   -Uvh    jre-7u65-linux-x64.rpm

Install Java using a tar file
Change directory to where Java is going to be installed. Usually it will be /user/java.
root@earth> cd  /usr/java

Move the tar file to /usr/java.

Unpack the tarball and install Java
root@earth> tar  zxvf   jre-7u65-linux-i586.tar.gz

Delete the tar file after you test Java and your done.


Related posts on this Blog
How to install Java 7 & 8 on Solaris
Access the Java Control Panel
Updating Java on Solaris

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to Manually Remove the NetBackup Client on Linux

These are my notes on removing a NetBackup client on a Linux system. This how to is based on the Symantec Tech Note, which is referenced at the bottom of this post. This is for the most part the recommended way of removing NetBackup. I have added a few more steps so that your logs are not filled with error messages.

Shut down running NetBackup processes. (optional)
man@earth> sudo netbackup stop
stopping the NetBackup client daemon
stopping the NetBackup network daemon

Or you can use this command.
man@earth> sudo bp.kill_all

Looking for NetBackup processes that need to be terminated.

Looking for more NetBackup processes that need to be terminated.
Stopping bpcd...
Stopping vnetd...

Check for running processes. (optional)
man@earth> sudo bpps -x
NB Processes

Shared Symantec Processes
root 2827 1 0 Apr22 ? 00:00:00
If you see more then what is list above then than NetBackup didn't shut down. If the commands didn't work then move to the next step.

Remove the NetBackup client.
man@earth> rm -r /usr/openv

Look for NetBackup files in xinet.d
man@earth> ls -l /etc/xinetd.d/
Look for the bpcd, bpjava-msvc, ventd and vopied files. If the file is found remove it.

Edit the services file.
Backup the /etc/services file. Remove all NetBackup services, such as the ones listed above.

Restart xinetd 
For Susie run this command
man@earth> sudo /etc/rc.d/xinetd restart

For all others run this command
man@earth> sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart

Tech Note 71923

If you have any questions or comments post they below.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Checking Java Versions Remotely

This is the script I use to find instances of Java, on the servers I manage. To do this I use two scripts, check-java and stig-java. The check-java script logs in to each server listed in the server-list file and acts  as the control for the other script. The check-java script also combines the output of the stig-java script from each server and combines the output into a single file. The stig-java script looks for Java on the servers and sends the output to a file.

I order for this script to work you will need to setup your SSH clients for auto login. If you don't know how to do this please refer to my post How to setup SSH Keys. This script doesn't needs the automount in order to work.

What the scripts do.
First off you need to put both script in the same location. Put the scripts in your home directory in a folder called scripts. The main script, check-java copies the stig-java script to /tmp on all the servers. Then logs into all the servers, one at a time, and runs the stig-java script and sends the output to a file with the servers name. The check-java script then deletes stig-java form /tmp on all the servers. All those output files are then combined into a single file with extra lines removed.

The check-java script
# This script is for running the stig-java script on the servers.

for s in `cat  server-list`
scp stig-java $s:/tmp 2>&1 2>/dev/null
ssh -q $s /tmp/stig-java &> ~/scripts/outputJ/$s
ssh -q $s rm /tmp/stig-java
cat ~/scripts/outputJ/* |egrep -v '(Runtime|HotSpot)' > ~/scripts/outputJ/solM

# Finishing up
echo -e "\e[1m ------------------------ Servers -------------------------  \033[0m" > ~/scripts/outputJ/output
echo -e " "
cat ~/scripts/outputJ/solM >> ~/scripts/outputJ/output
more ~/scripts/outputJ/output

The stig-java script
# This script is for finding versions of Java on a server.
echo -e "\e[1m <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $host >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\033[0m "
sudo find / \( -name 10_Recommended* -o -name scratch -o -name zones -o -name mnt  \) -prune -o -type f -name java -print 2>/dev/null >/tmp/joutput
for s in `cat /tmp/joutput`
do echo -e "\e[1m  $s \033[0m "
sudo $s -version
echo -e " "
rm /tmp/joutput

Let me know if this script is helpful in anyway. If you need more details or have questions let me know, by posting below.